Petrova M. S,Popova O. P,Borisova O. Yu,Abramova E. N,Vartanyan R. V,Kelli E. I
Among children of early age still severe forms of a disease which can lead to lethal outcomes are registered still most often. Untimely diagnostics and the wrong assessment of the severity of pertussis cause mistakes in treatment and are significantly impact on a disease outcome. The analysis of features of a course of pertussis in children of early age is based on supervision over 670 children hospitalized in Moscow Infectious Clinical Hospital No. 1. Studying of clinic picure of pertussis in comparative evolutionary aspect allowed to establish the main reasons for an adverse course of pertussis a lethality at the present stage. The main factors promoting development of severe forms of a Bordetella pertussis infection in children of early age are the anatomical and physiological features, the burdened premorbid background, accompanying infectious diseases and biological properties of circulating strains of a Bordetella pertussis microbe. Pertussis in children of early age has own the clinical features, being characterized first of all by severity of the disease course. The most significant options of a mixtinfection are a combination of pertussis with CMV infection, the RS-infection.
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