The diagnostics of fat embolism syndrome at multitrauma


Naimov A. M.1,Razzokov A. A.2


1. Tajik Institute of Preventive Medicine; “Shifobakhsh” the National Medical Center

2. Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery of Avicenna Tajik State Medical University


Aim. To improve diagnostics of fat embolism syndrome in patients with multitrauma.Material and methods. The study included 250 patients with multitrauma at the age of 18 to 60 years that received treatment during 2014-2010. There were 174 (69.6%) men and 76 (30.4%) women. The patients were divided into two groups. The main group included 128 (51, 2%) patients with multitrauma, in whom the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of fat embolism syndrome were carried out using improved approaches. The control group of 122 (48, 8%) patients with multitrauma received a diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of fat embolism syndrome using traditional approaches.Results and methods. Comprehensive analysis of data with the formalization and standardization of data by comparing the frequency of symptoms in the group of patients with and without fat embolism syndrome helped to reveal integral criteria for the diagnosis of various clinical manifestations of this symptom-complex were identified. Based on the data obtained, a highly effective method for the diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome has been developed. In the main group, differentiated treatment of patients using the developed approaches contributed to an increase in the proportion of positive results (43.7%) and a decrease in unsatisfactory results (8.6%) and mortality (8.6%). In the control group, satisfactory (36.0%) and unsatisfactory results (15.6%), as well as lethal outcomes (16.4%), prevailed.Conclusion. The use of improved approaches in the diagnosis and treatment of fat embolism syndrome and the construction of treatment tactics on this basis are among the effective ways to improve the results of multitrauma.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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