Maternal and perinatal outcomes in repeated cesarean section


Davlyatova M. F.1,Khaknazarova M. A.1,Sheralieva M. G.1,Azizov H. A.1


1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecologists № 1 Avicenna Tajik State Medical University


Aim. To analyze the maternal and perinatal outcomes in repeated caesarean section. The first group included 50 laboring women who received combined endotracheal anesthesia for a repeat cesarean section. The second group included 50 laboring women who received spinal anesthesia during the operative delivery. The condition of 100 newborns born by repeated cesarean section was studied.Results. In postpartum period in the women of first group very often, develop endometritis (24%), in second group – 36%, hematometra in first group we see in 12%, in second – 26%. Tracheobronhitis occur in first group among 30%. Research of the condition and course of early neonatal period in newborns showed, that combined anesthesia initiates pathological course of this period. The main complications were asphyxia (28%), and neurological disorders (22%).Conclusions. Different types of analgesia initiate different types of complications in the postoperative period, but better neonatal outcomes with the use of regional anesthesia techniques qualify them as the anesthesia method of choice for repeat cesarean section.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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