Experience in the use of phytotherapy in patients with exacerbation of chronic sinusitis


Shoev M. D.1


1. SEI “Avicenna Tajik State Medical University”


The study incorporated treatment for 75 patients experiencing chronic purulent maxillitis exacerbation, employing the use of phytopreparations. After comprehensive examination, all patients were prescribed antibiotic therapy and decongestants, and subsequently underwent a maxillary sinus puncture. Patients in the first primary group underwent thrice-daily sinus cavity washes with a medicinal sage infusion. In contrast, the second primary group was treated with a hypericum perforatum infusion. For the comparison group, a 0.02% furacilin solution was utilized as an antiseptic for the puncture and wash of the maxillary sinus. The findings substantiate the advisability of prescribing the examined drugs to patients enduring an exacerbation of chronic purulent maxillitis.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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