Diagnosis and minimally invasive methods of treatment of intra-abdominal postoperative complications


Azizzoda Z. A.1,Sangov M. B.1,Safarov F. S.1


1. SEI “Khatlon State Medical University”


The article offers a review of contemporary literature focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of intra-abdominal postoperative complications using minimally invasive techniques. The literature analysis underscores that there is a substantial body of knowledge worldwide regarding the use of minimally invasive approaches, including relaparoscopy and percutaneous methods, in treating intra-abdominal postoperative complications. The literature suggests that employing these minimally invasive techniques has enhanced treatment outcomes and lowered economic costs. However, in spite of these advancements, clear guidelines and comprehensive surgical algorithms for addressing postoperative complications using these techniques remain underdeveloped.


Healthcare of Tajikistan


General Medicine

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