Surgical treatment of unstable uncomplicated vertebral fractures


Pirov U. M.1,Razzokov A. A.2


1. Regional Clinical Hospital named after Kutbiddinova

2. State Educational Institution “Avicenna Tajik State Medical University”


Aim. To enhance the outcomes of surgical treatment of unstable uncomplicated vertebral fractures.Materials and Methods. This research involves an analysis of surgical treatment data from 237 patients aged 18 to 74 years, all with unstable uncomplicated vertebral fractures. These patients underwent surgery using the technique of posterior transpedicular fusion. The primary group, constituting 51.9% of cases, utilized enhanced approaches, while the control group (48.1% of cases) employed standard methods. The treatment outcomes were evaluated using a newly developed scale, while the Oswestry scale was used to gauge the quality of life.Results and Discussion. The primary components of the refined surgical treatment tactics used in the main group were low-traumatic manipulations, which aimed to minimize tissue trauma and avert intraoperative complications. Utilizing the proposed objective scoring method, a statistically significant improvement in long-term outcomes was established in the primary group compared to the control group, with scores of 95.5±0.4 points and 88.7±0.7 points respectively (P<0.05). According to the Oswestry scale, the sum of points in the main group was 2.5±0.05, compared to 5.1±0.06 in the control group. The Oswestry index in the analyzed groups was 7.1±1.6 and 22.4±1.2 respectively.Conclusion. The findings demonstrate a statistically significant increase in the proportion of favorable outcomes, and the absence of unsatisfactory results, in the primary group as compared to the control group. Furthermore, an improvement in the quality of life for patients in the primary group was observed.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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