Tissue structure transformations of the gallbladder in chronic calculous cholecystitis


Kurbonov S.1,Ishmirzoev R. E.1,Davlyatov I. A.1


1. Department of Human Anatomy and Latin Medical Terminology. Ya.A. Rakhimov SEI Avicenna Tajik State Medical University


Aim. To determine the morphofunctional characteristics of tissue changes in the structure of the gallbladder in chronic calculous cholecystitis.Materials and Methods. The macro- and microscopic structural walls of the gallbladder were studied using the method of injection anatomical dissection, histology, and morphometry in 61 patients (aged 36 to 60) with chronic calculous cholecystitis.Results and Discussion. The results of a morphological study show that in chronic calculous cholecystitis, changes are always observed in all layers of the gallbladder wall. The most severe dystrophic and sclerotic changes are observed in the mucous membrane and submucosal base, since, this layer has in functional, topographical and quantitative features, as well as a direct contact with stones (mechanical impact).Conclusion. Transformation of the gallbladder in chronic calculous cholecystitis are characterized by vascular tissue restructuring of the structures of the organ wall, accompanied by the phenomena of adaptive, exudative and proliferative transformations, and in the later stages (5-6 years) undergo sclerotic changes in the gallbladder wall.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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