Consequences of road transportation accidents, their standard growth, modern management and tactics of treatment of victims


Rajabzoda M. M.1


1. Tajik Institute of Postgraduate Training of Medical Personnel; Khatlon Regional Clinical Hospital named after B. Vokhidov


   Aim. Improvement of the results of diagnostics and provision of pre- and hospital medical care to victims with concomitant and multiple trauma in road accidents.   Material and research methods. Based on the analysis of the results of diagnosis and treatment, it was found that the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Regional Clinical Hospital named after B. Vohidov of the city of Bokhtar (former Kurgan-Tyube) for the period 2012 - 2020. there were 2120 patients with injuries. 1234 (58.2 %) victims were injured as a result of road accidents.   Research results and their discussion. Prehospital care for victims with concomitant and multiple trauma:1) Pain relief through the use of non-narcotic and narcotic analgesics, aseptic dressings on wounds;2) Immobilizing position of the victim on the shield and stretcher for transportation;3) Introduction of cardiac and respiratory analeptics (strophanthin, korglikon, cordiamine);   Conclusion. Thus, in the provision of emergency care to patients with concomitant and multiple trauma on the background of road traffic accidents, the following seems justified.1. Constantly train traffic police officers, drivers of passenger vehicles in the methods of providing first aid directly at the scene of the accident.2. Strengthen the personnel and material - technical potential of regional hospitals located on the highway.3. Improvement of diagnostic and treatment algorithms, training, regular discussion of tactical guidelines their possible correction.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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