The significance of overweight and visceral obesity in the detection of pregestational diabetes in the population of women of reproductive age in Dushanbe


Anvarova Sh. S.1,Jaborova M. S.1


1. State Educational Establishment Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino


Materials and research methods. We examined 1,500 women living in the city of Dushanbe for the period 2020-2021. The examination was carried out at the bases of medical health centers in the city of Dushanbe. In the course of the study, in order to clarify the risk factors in the development of pregestational diabetes, we measured the weight, height of patients, waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (OB), calculated the ratio OT / OB, and also conducted a survey of all examined women.Results of the study and their discussion. In particular, 8 cases of type 1 diabetes mellitus, 92 cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus and 2 cases with suspected MODY diabetes. In the course of the study, it should also be noted that the leading risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus in particular (in 60% of cases) was overweight and, in particular, visceral obesity. The average level of glycated hemoglobin in the group of identified patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus was 7.7±0.8%. The age of the examined is 35.7±4.1 years. The average level of glycated hemoglobin in the group of patients with type 2 diabetes was 7.5±0.9%. In addition, during the study, an increase in the level of insulin in the blood of overweight and obese patients by an average of 15.2 mIU / l was found. When calculating the HOMA index, a significant (p<0.01) increase was noted, mainly in the group of patients with overweight and obesity.Conclusion. Taking into account the obtained results, the leading role of overweight and visceral obesity in the detection of pregestational diabetes is shown.


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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