Factors and prevalence of congenital malformations in the Republic of Tajikistan


Rakhmatova R. A.1,Nabiev Z. N.1,Shamsov B. A.1,Zoirov S. R.1


1. State Institution National Scientific Clinical Center of Pediatrics and Children’s Surgery


Aim. To establish the factors and prevalence of congenital malformations in the Republic of Tajikistan.Materials and methods. This study was conducted based on statistical data from the State Institution “Republican Center for Medical Statistics and Information”, the State Institution “National Center for Reproductive Health” and other sectoral reports of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan. Statistical data processing was performed based on MS Office 2019.Results. An analysis of 600 cards showed that in the structure of risk factors causing congenital malformations, the first place is occupied by acute and chronic non-genital infectious diseases (38%), second anaemia (29.8%). The third place is poor obstetric history: multiple voluntary abortions, intrauterine growth retardation, stillbirth, the birth of a child with defects, preeclampsia), (20.8%) with circulatory failure in the mother-child system (16.3%). The percentage of children born with congenital birth defects from marriages of close relatives is 5% of the analyzed charts.Conclusion. Thus, the main reasons for the growth of CM in newborns are burdened obstetric history and heredity, bad habits and occupational hazards, past viral and bacterial infections, and late prenatal diagnosis. 


Healthcare of Tajikistan

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