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2. Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Energy of Russia concluded agreements with refineries on modernisation and construction of new fuel production capacities. https://minenergo.gov.ru/en/node/20517 (accessed 26.08.2023). (In Russian).
3. Gazprom Neft. The Moscow refinery. Modernisation. https://mnpz.gazprom-neft.ru/business/modernizatsiya/ (accessed 27.08.2023). (In Russian).
4. Lukoil. Digital development programme. https://rspp.ru/upload/uf/846/Луколйл_2019_Цифровиз.комплекс.pdf (accessed 27.08.2023). (In Russian).
5. RIA.RU. Gazprom Neft invests 500 billion rubles in modernisation of the Moscow refinery. https://ria.ru/20220629/modernizatsiya-1799027070.html (accessed 28.08.2023). (In Russian).