1. Rakhmonov A.Kh. Refugees as a new emigration channel from Tajikistan to Western and Eastern Europe. Upravlenie / Management. 2022; 10(2):88–94. https://doi.org/10.26425/2309-3633-2022-10-2-88-94
2. Trubinova T.S., Ivanchenko L.A. Reasons for emigration in Russia in modern conditions. Humanities and socio-economic sciences. 2013; 9:347–348 (In Russian).
3. Yusupov A. (the 27th of September 2022). Up to 100 thousand Russians have entered Kazakhstan since the beginning of mobilization in the Russian Federation. Anadolu Agency. https://www.aa.com.tr/ru/мир/в-казахстан-с-начала-мобилизациив-рф-въехали-до-100-тыс-россиян/2695551 (accessed 24.04.2023) (In Russian).
4. Novosti.kg. More than 10 thousand Russians have registered in Kyrgyzstan in two weeks. https://novosti.kg/2022/10/v-kyrgyzstane-za-dve-nedeli-zaregistrirovalis-bolee-10-tysyach-rossiyan/ (accessed 24.04.2023) (In Russian)
5. Gazeta.Uz (the 28th of October 2022). Since the beginning of the year, 395 thousand Russians have entered Uzbekistan, more than half in three months. https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2022/10/28/russian-citizens/ (accessed 26.04.2023) (In Russian).