Productivity of rotationally grazed simple and diverse pasture mixtures under irrigation in Canterbury


Nobilly F.,Bryant R.H.,Mckenzie B.A.,Edwards G.R.


Herbage dry matter (DM) production, botanical composition and nutritive value were compared over 2 years under irrigation and dairy cow grazing for simple two-species grass (perennial ryegrass or tall fescue)- white clover pastures and diverse pastures where herbs (chicory and plantain), legumes (red clover and lucerne) and prairie grass were added to the simple mixtures. Averaged over 2 years, annual herbage DM production was 1.62 t DM/ha greater in diverse (16.77 t DM/ ha) than simple (15.15 t DM/ha) pastures, primarily reflecting greater DM production in summer. Diverse pastures had lower metabolisable energy (ME) (12.0 vs 12.2 MJ ME/kg DM) and neutral detergent fibre (301 vs 368 g/kg DM) content than simple pastures, although the total ME produced per year was greater in diverse than simple pastures (202 vs 185 GJ ME/ha). Ryegrassbased pastures had higher annual DM production than tall fescue-based pastures in the first but not second year. The results indicate that including additional legumes and herbs with simple grass-white clover pastures may increase total DM and ME production of dairy pastures under irrigation. Keywords: Lolium perenne L., Festuca arundinacea, herbs, legumes, pasture mixtures, diversity, nutritive value


New Zealand Grassland Association


General Medicine







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