Research into the Dynamic Characteristics of the Planetary Cob­Separating Device


Pogosyan V. M.1,Chaplygin M. E.2


1. Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

2. Federal Scientific Agroengineering Center VIM


Abstract. In the article, the authors propose a methodological approach to calculating the planetary cob-separating device used in corn harvesters and specialized headers. The dynamic characteristics of the planetary cob-separating device operation were investigated. The authors found out that the machine dynamics research problems are rather diverse due to the complexity of the dynamic processes occurring in them. The theoretical research methods prove to be of particular importance, since they make it possible to define the laws of machine unit motion, even at the stage of designing the planetary cob-separating device. (Research purpose) To propose a method for calculating the main kinematic and dynamic parameters of the vertical cob-separating device operation. (Materials and methods) The authors studied the methodological approaches and mathematical tools used to determine the main kinematic and dynamic parameters of the vertical cob-separating device operation; examined the scheme of a single-drum planetary cob-separating device in a corn harvester and built a differential equation of motion. (Results and discussion) After a step-by-step mathematical calculation with the use of the proposed methodological approach to studying the dynamic characteristics arising during the planetary cob-separating device operation, the following equations were obtained: starting the device at idle; starting the device with a load; feeding stems after starting the device; sudden interruption of the supply. When conducting the laboratory studies, it was determined that the cob-separating device showed the greatest effect at an angular speed of the drum within the range of 52.1-62.2 radians per second. (Conclusions) The authors considered four modes of the cob-separating device operation in a corn harvester and obtained the equations for them. The authors created a diagram of the vertical cob-separating device and proposed a methodological approach and an algorithm for calculating the main dynamic and kinematic indicators of its operation.


FSBI All Russian Research Institute for Mechanization in Agriculture (VIM)

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