Modern problems of artificial reproduction of sturgeon in the Volga‐Caspian basin


Vasilyeva L. M.1ORCID,Rabazanov N. I.2ORCID


1. Astrakhan State University

2. Caspian Institute of Biological Resources, a separate subdivision of the Dagestan Federal Research Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences


Aim. The aim of the study is to analyze the current state of artificial reproduction of the Caspian sturgeon and to identify the problems of reducing efficiency and ways to solve them.Discussion. The current critical state of the Caspian sturgeon, which accounts for up to 90% of the world's related resources, is of concern to the entire community, due to the threat of extinction of these relic individuals  on  the  planet.  This  can  be  prevented  by  increasing  the efficiency of reproduction. However, natural reproduction is practically reduced to zero, so the real and only possible solution is artificial reproduction. This analytical review presents five tasks, the successful solution of which will improve the current state of artificial reproduction in the Volga‐Caspian basin. The main task is the provision of fish breeding processes with producers, which, in the absence of fish of natural generation, are derived from brood stocks. Of particular concern is the threatened  state  of  the  Caspian  beluga  and  stellate  sturgeon.  It  is necessary to increase the release of their juveniles, for which financial stimulation of this activity is necessary. It is necessary to move more actively to the release of juveniles of an enlarged (7‐10 g) size and their export to feeding places in the waters of the Northern Caspian, which will contribute to an increase in fishing return.Conclusion. It is necessary to increase funding for research into the reproductive function of females and for artificial generation, as well as for the maintenance of production herds – a golden fund for restoring natural reserves. The attention of all the Caspian states should be drawn to the intensification of activities for the artificial reproduction of these unique fish species in the Caspian basin.


Institute of Applied Ecology


Ecology,Geography, Planning and Development,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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