1. School of Mathematics-Physics and Finance, Anhui Polytechnic University, Wuhu 241000, China
2. School of Sciences, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
<abstract><p>In this study, we formulate a reaction-diffusion Zika model which incorporates vector-bias, environmental transmission and spatial heterogeneity. The main question of this paper is the analysis of the threshold dynamics. For this purpose, we establish the mosquito reproduction number $ R_{1} $ and basic reproduction number $ R_{0} $. Then, we analyze the dynamical behaviors in terms of $ R_{1} $ and $ R_{0} $. Numerically, we find that the ignorance of the vector-bias effect will underestimate the infection risk of the Zika disease, ignorance of the spatial heterogeneity effect will overestimate the infection risk, and the environmental transmission is indispensable.</p></abstract>
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
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