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2. Initial value problem and relaxation limits of the Hamer model for radiating gases in several space variables,;M. Di Francesco;NoDEA Nonl. Differential Equations Appl.,2007
3. "Diffusive Behavior and Asymptotic Self similarity for Fluid Models,";M. Di Francesco;Ph. D thesis,2004
4. Optimal $L^1$ rate of decay to diffusion waves for the Hamer model of radiating gases,;M. Di Francesco;Appl. Math. Lett.,2006
5. Energy method for multi-dimensional balance laws with non-local dissipation,;R. Duan;to appear in J. Math. Pur. Appl. (http://homepage.univie.ac.at/klemens.fellner/preprints/DZFfinal.pdf).