1. A. B. Crawford, Map-making on Tristan da Cunha, Geographical Journal, 94, (1939)410–413. In 2000, Crawford's original map was re-discovered in the archives of the Hydrographer of the Royal Navy in Taunton. Crawford has since presented facsimilies to the Scott Polar Research Institute in Cambridge and to the Royal Geographical Society in London. See A.B. Crawford, The story behind re-discovery of a Tristan original, South Atlantic Chronicle, 25, (2001) 18–20.
2. D. Syrett and R. L. Di Nando (Eds), The Commissioned Sea Officers of the Royal Navy,1660–1815, (Aldershot 1994).
3. National Maritime Museum (hereafter NMM), JON/1-JON/13.
4. Browne's portfolio is NMM, PAF 8528.
5. A.B. Crawford, Tristan da Cunha and the Roaring Forties, (Edinburgh 1982).