Culture media influence on vegetative growth and mycelia weight of Mycosphaerella fijiensis: implication for inoculum production
Container-title:Brazilian Journal of Science
Short-container-title:Braz. J. of Sci.
Kumakech Alfred,Opio Tonny
Six (6) culture media (Potato Dextrose Agar, Malt Extract Agar, AFPA Base, Czapek Dox Agar, Nutrient Agar and Yeast Extract), were tested for their effect on colony growth and mycelia weight of Mycosphaerella fijiensis. The isolate of M. fijiensis (Kaw10) produced vegetative mycelial growth on all six-culture media. Culture media effect on the level of vegetative mycelial colonization and mycelia weight was significant. The highest and lowest vegetative mycelia colonization was recorded on malt extract (23.5 mm) and AFPA Base (4.2 mm), respectively. Similarly, culture media effect on mycelia weight was significant. Malt extract agar produced more mycelia weight (0.34g) than the control, PDA (0.11g). Collectively, our data identify malt extract agar as a good medium for improving growth of Mycosphaerella fijiensis.
Lepidus Tecnologia
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