Phytochemistry and biological activities of latex from Schubertia grandiflora Mart. (Apocynaceae)


Silva Márcia Divina Vidal,Menezes Filho Antonio Carlos Pereira de,Sharma Porshia,Cruz Rafael Martins da,Souza Amanda de Oliveira,Taques Aparecida Sofia,Silva Adrielle Pereira da,Castro Carlos Frederico de Souza,Ventura Matheus Vinicius Abadia


Schubertia grandiflora is a plant species that produces latex from roots to flowers. This study aimed to evaluate the latex of S. grandiflora on qualitative phytochemical analysis and effects of quantitative biological activities. Latex was collected from logs. Phytochemical analysis of precipitation and colorimetry were carried out for several groups of phytogroups. Antifungal activity was performed on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Colletotrichum acutatum and C. gloeosporioides, cytotoxic activity on Artemia salina, antioxidant activity on DPPH free radical and determination of inhibition on acetylcholinesterase. The latex proved to be rich in phytochemical groups, inhibition capacity of S. sclerotiorum with 64% and for C. gloeosporioides of 30%, low rate of cytotoxicity with 25% in 1000 µg mL-1, reduction of DPPH free radical of 67% and AChE inhibition of 86%. Schubertia grandiflora latex proved to be a potential natural phytochemical agent for diverse biological activities through this study.


Lepidus Tecnologia

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