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2. G.A. Petchenko, A.M. Petchenko. Dependence of electronic color center concentration on the state of irradiated LiF crystal dislocation structure // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series “Physics of Radiation Effect and Radiation Materials Science”. 2015, N 2(96), p. 25-28.
3. G.A. Petchenko, A.M. Petchenko. The study of the dislocation resonance in LiF crystals under the influence of the low-dose X-irradiation // Functional Materials. 2010, v. 17, N 4, p. 421-424.
4. G.O. Petchenko. Acoustic studies of the effect of X-ray irradiation on the dynamic drag of dislocations in LiF crystals // Ukrainian Journal of Physics. 2011, v. 56, N 4, p. 339-343.
5. G.A. Petchenko. The investigation of the dislocations resonant losses of ultrasonic sound in irradiated LiF single crystals in the interval of irradiation doses 0…400 Р // Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2012, N 2(78), p. 36-39.