Bryukhovetsky V.V.,Lytvynenko V.V.,Myla D.E.,Shatov V.V.,Ponomarev A.G.,Rak O.L.,Bychko V.A.
The purpose of the present study was to find out and show that rapid solidification of the surface layer of AA1933 aluminum alloy melted by irradiation with a high-current pulsed electron beam leads to the development of deformation processes in this layer. This results from thermo-elastic internal stresses arising during irradiation of the
alloy with a pulsed electron beam. The value of residual internal stresses in the irradiation-remelted layer is 43 MPa. Since it is impossible to determine the deformation mechanisms during cooling of the remelted layer by direct methods, conclusions about the deformation mechanisms were made by studying the relief of the irradiated surface. This study shows that deformation processes during irradiation of AA1933 aluminum alloy can develop in different parts of the irradiated surface by different mechanisms. Deformation can be carried out by both dislocation slip and grain-boundary slipping mechanisms.
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology
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