Cancer alertness as a basis for timely diagnosis and effectiveness of therapy: A review


Volkova Anastasiya S.ORCID,Belysheva Tatiana S.ORCID,Mikhaylova Svetlana N.ORCID,Ryabukhina Yulia E.ORCID,Zeynalova Pervin A.ORCID


Early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms in children is an important and relevant task. Despite the growth of actively diagnosed malignant neoplasms, the proportion of cases of the disease at stage III or IV remains high. In the structure of pediatric mortality, malignant neoplasms occupy a significant fraction, which marks the need for a thorough diagnostic search and, in turn, early detection of cancer. For patients who have completed treatment for a malignant neoplasm, active observation regarding the occurrence of a relapse or the appearance of second tumors remains relevant. Detection of malignant neoplasms in the early stages is possible with an appropriate level of cancer alertness, a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and treatment of this rare group of diseases.


Consilium Medicum

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