Algorithm for selecting patients for cochlear implantation. Lecture for physicians


Levin Sergey V.ORCID,Levina Elena A.ORCID,Kuzovkov Vladislav E.ORCID,Koroleva Inna V.ORCID,Dvorianchikov Vladimir V.ORCID


At the present stage in the world there are many methods for restoring hearing in humans, but, unfortunately, not all methods are effective for high-grade hearing loss or deafness. Carrying out timely rehabilitation of patients with a deep degree of hearing loss, especially in childhood, is extremely important for social and psychological adaptation in society. In patients with severe hearing loss, cochlear implant surgery is the most effective treatment. This operation is possible while maintaining the anatomy of the inner ear and the conduction of the auditory nerve. This lecture details the general principles of rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairments of various etiologies, the tactics of selecting patients for cochlear implantation, which is of great importance for choosing a method for treating patients with hearing loss and their psychosocial adaptation.


Consilium Medicum

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