Effectiveness of hyaluronic acid-based anti-adhesion gel for intraoperative prevention of postoperative adhesions in surgical correction of distal occlusion of the fallopian tubes: Prospective cohort study


Rybnikov Sergey V.ORCID,Artymuk Natalia V.ORCID


Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid anti-adhesion gel in surgical correction of distal tubal occlusion in restoring natural fertility in patients with infertility. Materials and methods. A prospective cohort study was conducted. The main group (group 1) included 54 women; the comparison group (group 2) included 58 women with tuboperitoneal infertility due to distal occlusion of the fallopian tubes. In group 1 patients, at the final stage of endoscopic reconstructive plastic surgery on the surface of the fallopian tubes, anti-adhesion barrier Anti-adhesion was applied (5 mL per each operated fallopian tube). Primary outcomes (patency of the fallopian tubes after 3 months) and secondary outcomes (onset of uterine pregnancy during the first year) were assessed. Statistical results were processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 25.0 software package. Results. Within 3 months after surgical treatment, the patency of the fallopian tubes was reported in 32 (59.3%) group 1 patients and 24 (41.4%) group 2 patients (2=3.445; p=0.064). The rate of uterine pregnancy in group 1 during the first year after surgical treatment was significantly higher than in group 2: 21 (38.9%) and 12 (20.7%) women, respectively (2=4.447; p=0.035). Conclusion. Endoscopic reconstructive plastic surgeries using hyaluronic acid-based anti-adhesion gel in patients with distal tubal occlusion slightly reduces the frequency of postoperative reocclusions of the fallopian tubes within 3 months after surgical treatment and significantly increase the rate of uterine pregnancy during the year after surgery mainly due to patients with grade IIIIV of adhesive process in the pelvis.


Consilium Medicum


Obstetrics and Gynecology

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