Liste et clé d’identification pour les Anomaloninae de la faune de France, avec la description d’une espèce nouvelle du genre Therion (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae)


Pénigot William


List and identification key for the Anomaloninae of the French fauna, with the description of a new species of the genus Therion (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). A list of the Anomaloninae wasps of France is drawn up: 15 genera and 62 species are recorded. Among these, 11 are mentioned for the first time in France: Agrypon brachycerum Hellén, A. hilare (Tosquinet), A. interstitiale Schnee, A. polyxenae (Szépligeti), two unknown species of the genus Agrypon, Barylypa rufa (Holmgren), Erigorgus annulitarsis (Thomson), one unknown species of the genus Erigorgus, Heteropelma grossator Shestakov and Perisphincter gracilicornis Schnee; and a new species is described, Therion acronictum n. sp. In order to identify these species, an illustrated key is provided. For each species, a photography of the habitus, the known distribution in France, hosts and flight periods are given.


Societe entomologique de France


General Medicine

Reference116 articles.

1. Atanasov A. Z., 1975a. - New representatives and key to Palaearctic species of the genus Erigorgus (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 54 (10) : 1480-1487. [en russe avec resume en anglais].

2. Atanasov A. Z., 1975b. - A new species and a key to Palaearctic species of Barylypa (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae). Vestnik Zoologii, 5 : 63-66. [en russe avec resume en anglais].

3. Aubert J.-F., 1960. - Descriptions preliminaires de quelques especes et sous-especes mediterraneennes de la famille des Ichneumonides. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de Mulhouse, 1960 : 62-65.

4. Aubert J.-F., 1963. - Les Ichneumonides du rivage mediterraneen francais (5e serie, Departement du Var). Vie et Milieu, 14 : 847-878.

5. Aubert J.-F., 1964. - Les Ichneumonides du rivage mediterraneen francais (Hym.). 7e serie : Ichneumoninae, Cryptinae, Ophioninae et Mesochorinae de l'Herault et des Bouches-du-Rhone. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France, 69 : 144-164.

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