1. The grapevine aphid Aphis illinoisensis: an invasive pest in Israel
2. Blackman R. L. and Eastop V. F., 2000. - Aphids on the World's Crops. An Identification and Information Guide, 2nd edn. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons, 466 p.
3. Blackman R. L.and Eastop V. F., 2006. - Aphids on the world's herbaceous plants and shrubs, volume 1. Chichester : John Wiley and Sons, 1024 p.
4. Cocuzza G. E. and Barbagallo S., 2011. - Rinvenuta in Sicilia l'afide americano della vite. Informatore Agrario, 34 : 81-83.
5. Aphids (Hemiptera, Aphididae) Chapter 9.2