1. Dr. Sc. (Economics), Prof.
2. Postgraduate student
Introduction. The circular economy is an important component of sustainable development aimed at conserving resources and reducing waste. However, its successful implementation in the field of logistics faces a number of financial challenges and threats.
The purpose of the article is to scientifically substantiate the role of circular economy logistics in the formation of effective resource management systems; identify financial problems and threats that can negatively affect the logistics of the circular economy, argue the economic benefits associated with the closed-loop economy, which contribute to the sustainability and efficiency of the use of resources.
Results. The economic aspects related to the logistics of the circular economy are considered, the main financial challenges and threats that organizations may face during the transition to the business model of the closed cycle economy are systematized. A methodological approach to the study of financial challenges and threats is proposed, which involves 4 steps, and in particular: at the 1st stage of the study, the leader in the trade of processed raw materials – Germany is determined and the factors that determine the leadership of this country are characterized; at the next stage, possible financial threats that prevent the effective development of circular economy logistics are argued; at the third stage, the relationship between the level of reuse of materials and the exchange rate, interest rates, and inflation rates was investigated using the multiple regression method. On the basis of the results obtained at the first stage, the companies that carry out their activities in the field of circular economy logistics are singled out.
Conclusions. The financial challenges and threats discussed provide a basic platform for developing financial management strategies that support the transition to a circular economy in logistics and contribute to achieving sustainable development.
Prospects. Prospects for the development of circular economy logistics have significant potential for improving sustainability and efficiency in resource management. This approach offers a transition from the traditional “emission-use” model to a “use-use” model, where waste becomes raw material for new products or processes.
West Ukrainian National University