1. Ukraine deserves the status of a candidate for EU membership - the head of the European Union and the president of Latvia. Interfax-Ukraine. 25.05.2022. URL: https://interfax.com.ua/news/general/834708.html.
2. The presidents of Lithuania and Poland supported granting Ukraine the status of a candidate for EU membership. NV.UA. 23.02.2022. URL: https://nv.ua/ukr/world/geopolitics/vstup-ukrajini-v-yes-pidtrimali-prezidenti-litvi-ta-polshchi-ostanni-novini-50219304.html.
3. Prishchepa Ya. Ukraine is one of us. Von der Leyen supported Ukraine's accession to the EU. Suspilne. 28.02.2022. URL: https://suspilne.media/211998-ukraina-odna-z-nas-fon-der-laen-pidtrimala-vstup-ukraini-do-es/.
4. Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine agreed on new projects. Wysokii Zamok. 17.05.2022. URL: https://wz.lviv.ua/news/457962-polshcha-sloveniia-i-ukraina-domovylys-pro-novi-proiekty-fedorov.
5. Shapovalov V. Medical and Pharmaceutical Law: deepening the cooperation between the LMI, KhMAPE and Estonian Scientific Publishing House SSP OÜ, as part of the system of Ukraine’s integration into the European Community. SSP Modern Law and Practice. 2022. Vol.2. No.2. P.1-12. URL: https://doi.org/10.53933/sspmlp.v2i2.51.