History of problem-solving teaching and learning evolution


Holubnycha Liudmyla1ORCID,Kuznetsova Olena1ORCID,Demchenko Dina1ORCID


1. Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University


The article focuses on the development of the problem-solving method in the history of Pedagogy both in theory and practice. The manuscript purpose is to characterize the history of problem-solving teaching and learning ideas development and instigate and inform their progress and implementation in higher education teaching practice in the second half of the 20th century. The methods used during the research were 1) methods of the theoretical level (analysis, synthesis, generalization) for clarifying the definition of the notion, singling out the shifts in the underlying ideas of the problem-solving method throughout human history, specifying the application of the problem-solving teaching method at universities in the second half of the previous century; 2) methods of historical research (historiographical, chronological, logical-historical, historical-typological) for characterizing the development of problem-solving teaching ideas in historical aspect, and determining their essential manifestations. The research results have revealed that problem-solving teaching and learning is perceived as the process of solving cognitive and practical problems by students stimulating their creative and mental activity and promoting their active participation in learning. The problem-solving teaching method that originated in ancient Greece was based on the ideas of famous historical figures and pedagogical practice of progressive educators and has made a long way in its advancement. The paper novelty lies in presenting the generalization of the problem-solving teaching and learning ideas historic evolution in education, in determining the problem-solving method ideas development stages based on the key elements of the given method, covering the structure of thought processes, stages of cognitive development, the significance of the problem situation in thinking and learning, the impact of problem-solving on one’s intellectual potential, in tracing the problem-solving method use in higher education in the second part of the last century. The great potential of problem-solving teaching method was extensively exploited in higher education training practice. Problem-solving teaching and learning ideas and accumulated pedagogically valuable experience of their implementation in higher education provide a valuable theoretical framework and teaching means for future specialists’ intellectual and professional competence ensuring and raising higher education quality.


State University of Infrastructure and Technologies

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