1. Cottonseed meal, shrimp meal, soybean meal, meat scraps, for growing chicks;Barnett;Miss. Farm Research, p. 8, June issue.,1942
2. A comparison of the nutritive values of cottonseed meal, alfalfa leaf meal, and meat and bone scraps in a ration for growing chicks;Berry;N. Mex. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull.,1934
3. Soybean oil meal in the chick starting ration;Carver;U. S. Egg & Poultry 49:131-133, 141-144.,1943
4. Gross values of combinations of soybean oil meal with pilchard fish meal or meat meal;Draper;U. S. Egg & Poultry 48:466-468, 475-476.,1942
5. The availability of the nitrogen of cottonseed meal and beef scraps for chicks;Hartwell;R. I. Exp. Sta. Bull.,1914