2. Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Medical Faculty Hospital, Biochemistry Laboratory
Aim: Aluminum is one of the elements that is widely used in many sectors and is the most abundant element in nature. The harm of aluminum, which was thought to be harmless until recently and is actively used in daily life, is open to discussion. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of Aluminum Sulphate [Al2(SO4)3] on Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity, which is a key enzyme that catalyzes the first step of the pentose phosphate pathway (PFP). In addition, enzyme activity are detailed with molecular docking studies. For the purpose of examining in vitro effect of Aluminium on G6PDH, 4 different concentration of substrate (D-glucose-6-P) (01.M, 0.08M, 0.05M, 0.03M) prepared and 10mM, 30mM Al2(SO4)3 was added G6PDH envoriment. G6PDH activity was measured by spectrofotometrically. Molecular docking studies were performed with DockingServer and HEX 8.0.0 programs. With the data obtained, the Vmax of G6PDH was calculated as 3.33 and Km=0.0323. When 10 mM and 30mM Al2(SO4)3 were added to the reaction environment, it was observed that there was a decrease in enzyme activity by 24.92% and 57.06%, respectively. It was observed that the increase in Al2(SO4)3 concentration was an uncompetitive inhibition due to a significant decrease in both Km and Vmax values of the enzyme.
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