M2e-specific monoclonal antibody cocktails against influenza A virus are superior to individual monoclonal antibody treatments, universally effective, and viral escape mutant resistant


Bimler Lynn,Kim Teha,Ronzulli Sydney L.,Song Amber Y.,Johnson Scott K.,Jones Cheryl A.,Tompkins S. Mark,Paust SilkeORCID


ABSTRACTInfluenza virus has pandemic potential, seasonal epidemics burden the human population, and viral resistance has developed to all available treatment options. A universally effective, escape mutant resistant therapeutic agent is desperately needed. We previously described extensive analyses of seven Matrix Protein 2 ectodomain-specific monoclonal antibodies (M2e-mAbs) as the basis for an effective and universal treatment for influenza A virus (IAV) infection. On the strength of these findings, we developed an effective prophylactic cocktail agent using three M2e-mAbs distinct in their M2e epitopes. This cocktail protected mice challenged with laboratory and pandemic IAV strains at a low dose significantly better than single M2e-mAb treatments. Notably, no viral escape mutants developed in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice after viral passaging in the presence of single, cocktail, or alternating M2e-mAb treatments. Our study reveals the superiority of M2e-mAb cocktails, their universal effectiveness, and resistance to viral escape. It will critically shape future influenza-therapeutic development.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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