Loss of α-actinin-3 confers protection from eccentric contraction damage in fast-twitch EDL muscles from aged mdx dystrophic mice by reducing pathological fibre branching


Kiriaev LeonitORCID,Houweling Peter J.ORCID,North Kathryn N.ORCID,Head Stewart I.ORCID


ABSTRACTThe common null polymorphism (R577X) in the ACTN3 gene is present in over 1.5 billion people worldwide and results in the absence of the protein α-actinin-3 from the Z-discs of fast-twitch skeletal muscle fibres. We have previously reported that this polymorphism is a modifier of dystrophin deficient Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. To investigate the mechanism underlying this we use a double knockout (dk)Actn3KO/mdx (dKO) mouse model which lacks both dystrophin and sarcomere α-actinin-3. We used dKO mice and mdx dystrophic mice at 12 months (aged) to investigate the correlation between morphological changes to the fast-twitch dKO EDL and the reduction in force deficit produced by an in vitro eccentric contraction protocol. In the aged dKO mouse we found a marked reduction in fibre branching complexity that correlated with protection from eccentric contraction induced force deficit. Complex branches in the aged dKO EDL fibres (28%) were substantially reduced compared to aged mdx EDL fibres (68%) and this correlates with a graded force loss over three eccentric contractions for dKO muscles (∼35% after first contraction, ∼66% overall) compared to an abrupt drop in mdx upon the first eccentric contraction (∼73% after first contraction, ∼89% after three contractions). In dKO protection from eccentric contraction damage was linked with a doubling of SERCA1 pump density the EDL. We propose that the increased oxidative metabolism of fast-twitch glycolytic fibres characteristic of the null polymorphism (R577X) and increase in SR Ca2+ pump proteins reduces muscle fibre branching and decreases susceptibility to eccentric injury in the dystrophinopathies.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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