Parvalbumin interneuron mGlu5receptors govern sex differences in prefrontal cortex physiology and binge drinking


Fabian Carly B.,Jordan Nilah I.,Carley Lily G.,Thompson Shannon M.,Seney Marianne L.,Joffe Max E.


AbstractDespite established sex differences in the prevalence and presentation of psychiatric disorders, little is known about the cellular and synaptic mechanisms that guide these differences under basal conditions. Proper function of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) is essential for the top-down regulation of motivated behaviors. Activity of the PFC is tightly controlled by parvalbumin-expressing interneurons (PV-INs), a key subpopulation of fast-spiking GABAergic cells that regulate cortical excitability through direct innervations onto the perisomatic regions of nearby pyramidal cells. Recent rodent studies have identified notable sex differences in PV-IN activity and adaptations to experiences such as binge drinking. Here, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie sex-specific regulation of PFC PV-IN function. Using whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology and selective pharmacology, we report that PV-INs from female mice are more excitable than those from males. Moreover, we find that mGlu1and mGlu5metabotropic glutamate receptors regulate cell excitability, excitatory drive, and endocannabinoid signaling at PFC PV-INs in a sex-dependent manner. Genetic deletion of mGlu5receptors from PV-expressing cells abrogates all sex differences observed in PV-IN membrane and synaptic physiology. Lastly, we report that female, but not male, PV-mGlu5-/-mice exhibit decreased voluntary drinking on an intermittent access schedule, which could be related to changes in ethanol’s stimulant properties. Importantly, these studies identify mGlu1and mGlu5receptors as candidate signaling molecules involved in sex differences in PV-IN activity and behaviors relevant for alcohol use.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory







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