AbstractAging is associated with auditory nerve (AN) functional deficits and decreased inhibition in the central auditory system, amplifying central responses in a process known as central gain. Although central gain enhances response amplitudes, central gain may not restore disrupted response timing. In this translational study, we measured responses from the AN and auditory midbrain in younger and older mice and humans. We hypothesized that older mice and humans exhibit central gain without an improvement in inter-trial synchrony in the midbrain. Our data demonstrated greater age-related deficits in AN response amplitudes than auditory midbrain response amplitudes, as shown by significant interactions between neural generator and age group, indicating central gain in auditory midbrain. However, synchrony decreases with age in both the AN and midbrain responses. These results reveal age-related central gain without concomitant improvements in synchrony, consistent with those predictions based on decreases in inhibition. Persistent decreases in synchrony may contribute to auditory processing deficits in older mice and humans.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory