1. Gee, Jim; Button, Mark, The Financial Cost of Healthcare Fraud 2014: What Data from Around the World Shows. BDO Publishing, University of Portsmouth, 2014.
2. Margaret Faux , Jonathan Wardle and Jon Adams. Medicare Billing, Law and Practice: Complex, Incomprehensible and Beginning to Unravel: (2019) 27 JLM 66
3. Webber T , What is wrong with Medicare? MJA 196 (1) 16 January 2012
4. Who teaches medical billing? A national cross-sectional survey of Australian medical education stakeholders
5. In 2019, the Australian Government introduced a new Shared Debt Recovery Scheme enabling the Department of Health to hold an organisation who employs or contracts a medical practitioner partially responsible for incorrect Medicare claims, as well as new data matching laws designed to detect breaches of rules such as prohibiting billing while a medical practitioner is overseas, which can now be easily determined by matching immigration and billing records. See, Australian Government, Department of Health, Health Professional Compliance, https://www1.health.gov.au/internet/main/publishing.nsf/Content/health-compliance#Changes (accessed 8 March 2020) and Parliament of Australia, Parliamentary Business, Health Legislation Amendment (Data-matching and Other Matters) Bill 2019 https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=r6441 (accessed 8 March 2020)