Differential representation of active and passive touch in mouse somatosensory thalamus


Sumser AntonORCID,Isaías-Camacho Emilio Ulises,Mease Rebecca AudreyORCID,Groh AlexanderORCID


AbstractActive and passive sensing strategies are integral to an animal’s behavioral repertoire. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information regarding the neuronal circuitry that underpins these strategies, particularly at the thalamus level. We evaluated how active versus passive whisker deflections are represented in single neurons of the ventral posterior thalamus (VPM) and the posterior medial thalamus (POm) in awake mice. These are the first-and higher-order thalamic nuclei of the whisker system, respectively. VPM neurons robustly responded to both active and passive whisker deflections, while POm neurons showed a preference for passive deflections and responded poorly to active touches. This response disparity could not be explained by the animal’s voluntary whisking state or stimulus kinetics. In contrast, cortical activity significantly influenced POm’s responses to passive touch. Inhibition of the barrel cortex strongly attenuated whisker responses in POm and simultaneously increased the whisking phase coding. This suggests that POm receives touch information from the cortex and phase information from the brainstem. Together, these findings suggest two thalamic relay streams, where VPM robustly relays both active and passive deflection, while POm’s sensitivity requires top-down cortical involvement to signal salient events such as unexpected passive deflections.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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