AbstractBONCAT (Biorthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging) is a labeling strategy that covalently adds a biotin-alkyne (BA) to methionine analogs via a click reaction. When methionine analogs are incorporated into a proteome, enrichment of the BA-labeled proteins allows the detection of newly synthesized proteins (NSP) by mass spectrometry. We previously reported that using our Direct Detection of Biotin-containing Tags (DidBIT) strategy, protein identifications and confidence are increased by enriching for BA-peptides instead of BA-proteins. We compared cleavable BA (DADPS) and uncleavable BA in the identification and TMT quantification of NSP. More than fifty percent more proteins were identified and quantified using DADPS than with uncleavable BA. Interrogation of the data revealed that multiple factors are responsible for the superior performance of DADPS.
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory