HP1β Chromo Shadow Domain facilitates H2A ubiquitination for BRCA1 recruitment at DNA double-strand breaks


Charaka Vijaya,Chakraborty Sharmista,Tsai Chi-Lin,Wang Xiaoyan,Pandita Raj K,Tainer John A.,Hunt Clayton R,Pandita Tej K.ORCID


AbstractEfficient DNA double strand break (DSB) repair by homologous recombination (HR), as orchestrated by histone and non-histone proteins, is critical to genome stability, replication, transcription, and cancer avoidance. Here we report that Heterochromatin Protein1 beta (HP1β) acts as a key component of the HR DNA resection step by regulating BRCA1 enrichment at DNA damage sites, a function largely dependent on the HP1β chromo shadow domain (CSD). HP1β itself is enriched at DSBs within gene-rich regions through a CSD interaction with Chromatin Assembly Factor 1 (CAF1) and HP1 β depletion impairs subsequent BRCA1 enrichment. An added interaction of the HP1 β CSD with the Polycomb Repressor Complex 1 ubiquitinase component RING1A facilitates BRCA1 recruitment by increasing H2A lysine 118-119 ubiquitination, a marker for BRCA1 recruitment. Our findings reveal that HP1β interactions, mediated through its CSD with RING1A, promote H2A ubiquitination and facilitate BRCA1 recruitment at DNA damage sites, a critical step in DSB repair by the HR pathway. These collective results unveil how HP1β is recruited to DSBs in gene-rich regions and how HP1β subsequently promotes BRCA1 recruitment to further HR DNA damage repair by stimulating CtIP-dependent resection.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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