3D-Beacons: Decreasing the gap between protein sequences and structures through a federated network of protein structure data resources


Varadi MihalyORCID,Nair SreenathORCID,Sillitoe Ian,Tauriello GerardoORCID,Anyango Stephen,Bienert Stefan,Borges ClementeORCID,Deshpande Mandar,Green Tim,Hassabis Demis,Hatos AndrasORCID,Hegedus TamasORCID,Hekkelman Maarten LORCID,Joosten RobbieORCID,Jumper John,Laydon Agata,Molodenskiy Dmitry,Piovesan DamianoORCID,Salladini EdoardoORCID,Salzberg Steven L.ORCID,Sommer Markus JORCID,Steinegger MartinORCID,Suhajda ErzsebetORCID,Svergun Dmitri,Tenorio-Ku LuiggiORCID,Tosatto SilvioORCID,Tunyasuvunakool Kathryn,Waterhouse Andrew Mark,Žídek Augustin,Schwede TorstenORCID,Orengo ChristineORCID,Velankar Sameer


AbstractWhile scientists can often infer the biological function of proteins from their 3-dimensional quaternary structures, the gap between the number of known protein sequences and their experimentally determined structures keeps increasing. A potential solution to this problem is presented by ever more sophisticated computational protein modelling approaches. While often powerful on their own, most methods have strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it benefits researchers to examine models from various model providers and perform comparative analysis to identify what models can best address their specific use cases. To make data from a large array of model providers more easily accessible to the broader scientific community, we established 3D-Beacons, a collaborative initiative to create a federated network with unified data access mechanisms. The 3D-Beacons Network allows researchers to collate coordinate files and metadata for experimentally determined and theoretical protein models from state-of-the-art and specialist model providers and also from the Protein Data Bank.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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