The Moss Physcomitrella patens: A Novel Model System for Plant Development and Genomic Studies


Cove David J.,Perroud Pierre-François,Charron Audra J.,McDaniel Stuart F.,Khandelwal Abha,Quatrano Ralph S.


INTRODUCTIONThe moss Physcomitrella patens has been used as an experimental organism for more than 80 years. Within the last 15 years, its use as a model to explore plant functions has increased enormously. The ability to use gene targeting and RNA interference methods to study gene function, the availability of many tools for comparative and functional genomics (including a sequenced and assembled genome, physical and genetic maps, and more than 250,000 expressed sequence tags [ESTs]), and a dominant haploid phase that allows direct forward genetic analysis have all led to a surge of new activity. P. patens can be easily cultured and spends the majority of its life cycle in the haploid state, allowing the application of experimental techniques similar to those used in microbes and yeast. Its development is relatively simple, and it generates only a few tissues that contain a limited number of cell types. Although mosses lack vascular tissue, true roots/stems/leaves, and flowers and seeds, many signaling pathways found in angiosperms are intact in moss. For example, the phytohormones auxin, cytokinin, and abscisic acid, as well as the photomorphogenic pigments phytochrome and cryptochrome, are all interwoven into distinct but overlapping pathways and linked to clear developmental phenotypes. In addition, about one-quarter of the moss genome contains genes with no known function based on sequence motifs, raising the likelihood of successful discovery efforts to identify new and novel gene functions.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory


General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference45 articles.

1. A Two-Hit Trigger for siRNA Biogenesis in Plants

2. Common Functions for Diverse Small RNAs of Land Plants

3. An RNAi System in Physcomitrella patens with an Internal Marker for Silencing Allows for Rapid Identification of Loss of Function Phenotypes

4. Chakhparonian M. (2001) Développement d’outils de la mutagenèse ciblée par recombinaison homologue chez Physcomitrella patens (Ph.D. Thesis, Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland).

5. Evidence for the restricted passage of metabolites into the sporophyte of the moss, Physcomitrella patens;Courtice;J. Bryol.,1978

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