Tandemly repeated NBPF 3mer HOR copies (Olduvai triplets) in Neanderthal AltaiNea.hg19 assembly and two novel tandem arrays of NBPF 3mer HOR repeats in complete T2T-CHM13 assembly of human chromosome 1


Glunčić MatkoORCID,Vlahović Ines,Rosandić Marija,Paar Vladimir


AbstractIt is known that the ∼1.6 kb NBPF repeats are human specific and contributing to cognitive capabilities, with increasing frequency in higher order repeat 3mer HORs (Olduvai triplets). From chimpanzee to modern human there is a discontinuous jump from 0 to ∼50 tandemly organized 3mer HORs. Here we investigate the structure of NBPF 3mer HORs in the Neanderthal genome assembly of Pääbo and collaborators, comparing it to the results obtained for human hg38 chromosome 1. Our findings reveal corresponding NBPF 3mer HOR arrays in Neanderthals with slightly different monomer structures and numbers of HOR copies compared to humans. Additionally, we compute the NBPF 3mer HOR pattern for the complete telomere-to-telomere human genome assembly (T2T-CHM13) by Miga and collaborators, identifying two novel tandem arrays of NBPF 3mer HOR repeats with 5 and 9 NBPF 3mer HOR copies. We hypothesize that these arrays correspond to novel NBPF genes (here referred to as NBPFA1 and NBPFA2). Further improving the quality of the Neanderthal genome using T2T-CHM13 as a reference would be of great interest in determining the presence of such distant novel NBPF genes in the Neanderthal genome and enhancing our understanding of human evolution.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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