Antibiotic stewardship in premature infants: a systematic review


Rajar Polona,Saugstad Ola D.,Berild Dag,Dutta Anirban,Greisen Gorm,Lausten-Thomsen Ulrik,Mande Sharmila S.,Nangia Sushma,Petersen Fernanda C.,Dahle Ulf R.,Haaland Kirsti


ABSTRACTAntibiotic treatment in premature infants is often empirically prescribed, and practice varies widely among otherwise comparable neonatal intensive care units. Unnecessary and prolonged antibiotic treatment is documented in numerous studies. Recent research shows serious side effects and suggests long-term adverse health effects in prematurely born infants exposed to antibiotics in early life. One preventive measure to reduce unnecessary antibiotic exposure is implementation of antibiotic stewardship programs. We reviewed the literature on implemented antibiotic stewardship programs focusing on premature infants. Six academic databases were systematically searched and eleven articles met inclusion criteria. Articles were grouped according to common area of stewardship actions; 1) Focus on reducing initiation of antibiotic therapy, 2) Focus on shortening duration of antibiotic therapy, 3) Various infrastructural stewardship implementations. The studies differed in their cohort composition and measured outcomes. We provide an overview of the reduction in antibiotic use achieved. Antibiotic stewardship programs are effective especially when they use a multifactorial approach and are tailored to premature infants. Implementation of antibiotic stewardship programs targeting premature infants should be considered in all neonatal intensive care units. The Norwegian Research Council (project number 273833) and the Olav Thon Foundation supported the study.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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