Biomarker2vec: Attribute- and Behavior-driven Representation for Multi-type Relationship Prediction between Various Biomarkers


Guo Zhen-Hao,You Zhu-Hong,Wang Yan-Bin,Yi Hai-Cheng


AbstractThe explosive growth of genomic, chemical and pathological data provides new opportunities and challenges to re-recognize life activities within human cells. However, there exist few computational models that aggregate various biomarkers to comprehensively reveal the physical and functional landscape of the biology system. Here, we construct a graph called Molecular Association Network (MAN) and a representation method called Biomarker2vec. Specifically, MAN is a heterogeneous attribute network consists of 18 kinds of edges (relationships) among 8 kinds of nodes (biomarkers). Biomarker2vec is an algorithm that represents the nodes as vectors by integrating biomarker attribute and behavior. After the biomarkers are described as vectors, random forest classifier is applied to carry out the prediction task. Our approach achieved promising performance on 18 relationships, with AUC of 0.9608 and AUPR of 0.9572. We also empirically explored the contribution of attribute and behavior feature of biomarkers to the results. In addition, a drug-disease association prediction case study was performed to validate our method’s ability on a specific object. These results strongly prove that MAN is a network with rich topological and biological information and Biomarker2vec can indeed adequately characterize biomarkers. Generally, our method can achieve simultaneous prediction of both single-type and multi-type relationships, which bring beneficial inspiration to relevant scholars and expand the medical research paradigm.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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