Cell shape changes during larval body plan development in Clytia hemisphaerica


Kraus Yulia,Chevalier Sandra,Houliston EvelynORCID


AbstractThe cnidarian “planula” larva shows radial symmetry around a polarized, oral-aboral, body axis and comprises two epithelia cell layers, ectodermal and endodermal. This simple body plan is set up during gastrulation, a process which proceeds by a variety of modes amongst the diverse cnidarian species. In the hydrozoan laboratory model Clytia hemisphaerica, gastrulation involves a process termed unipolar cell ingression, in which the endoderm derives from mass ingression of individual cells via a process of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) around the future oral pole of an epithelial embryo. This contrasts markedly from the gastrulation mode in the anthozoan cnidarian Nematostella vectensis, in which endoderm formation primarily relies on cell sheet invagination. To understand the cellular basis of gastrulation in Clytia we have characterized in detail successive cell morphology changes during planula formation by Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy combined with confocal imaging. These changes successively accompany epithialization of the blastoderm, EMT occurring in the oral domain through the bottle cell formation and ingression, cohesive migration and intercalation of ingressed cells with mesenchymal morphology, and their epithelialization to form the endoderm. From our data, we have reconstructed the cascade of morphogenetic events leading to the formation of planula larva. We also matched the domains of cell morphology changes to the expression of selected regulatory and marker genes expressed during gastrulation. We propose that cell ingression in Clytia not only provides the endoderm, but generates internal forces that shape the embryo in the course of gastrulation. These observations help build a more complete understanding of the cellular basis of morphogenesis and of the evolutionary plasticity of cnidarian gastrulation modes.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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