An Orientationally Averaged Version of the Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa Tensor Provides A Fast But Still Accurate Treatment Of Hydrodynamic Interactions In Brownian Dynamics Simulations Of Biological Macromolecules


Tworek John W.,Elcock Adrian H.ORCID


AbstractThe Brownian dynamics (BD) simulation technique is widely used to model the diffusive and conformational dynamics of complex systems comprising biological macromolecules. For the diffusive properties of macromolecules to be described correctly by BD simulations, it is necessary to include hydrodynamic interactions (HI). When modeled at the Rotne-Prager-Yamakawa (RPY) level of theory, for example, the translational and rotational diffusion coefficients of isolated macromolecules can be accurately reproduced; when HIs are neglected, however, diffusion coefficients can be underestimated by an order of magnitude or more. The principal drawback to the inclusion of HIs in BD simulations is their computational expense, and several previous studies have sought to accelerate their modeling by developing fast approximations for the calculation of the correlated random displacements. Here we explore the use of an alternative way to accelerate calculation of HIs, i.e., by replacing the full RPY tensor with an orientationally averaged (OA) version which retains the distance dependence of the HIs but averages out their orientational dependence. We seek here to determine whether such an approximation can be justified in application to the modeling of typical proteins and RNAs. We show that the use of an OA RPY tensor allows translational diffusion of macromolecules to be modeled with very high accuracy at the cost of rotational diffusion being underestimated by ∼25%. We show that this finding is independent of the type of macromolecule simulated and the level of structural resolution employed in the models. We also show, however, that these results are critically dependent on the inclusion of a non-zero term that describes the divergence of the diffusion tensor: when this term is omitted from simulations that use the OA RPY model, unfolded macromolecules undergo rapid collapse. Our results indicate that the orientationally averaged RPY tensor is likely to be a useful, fast approximate way of including HIs in BD simulations of intermediate-scale systems.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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