Polarized vesicle transport requires AP-1-mediated recruitment of KIF13A and KIF13B at the trans-Golgi network


Montgomery Andrew C.,Mendoza Christina S.,Garbouchian Alex,Quinones Geraldine B.,Bentley MarvinORCID


ABSTRACTNeurons are polarized cells that require accurate membrane trafficking to maintain distinct protein complements at dendritic and axonal membranes. The Kinesin-3 family members KIF13A and KIF13B are thought to mediate dendrite-selective transport, but the mechanism by which they are recruited to polarized vesicles and the differences in the specific trafficking role of each KIF13 have not been defined. We performed live-cell imaging in cultured hippocampal neurons and found that KIF13A is a dedicated dendrite-selective kinesin. KIF13B confers two different transport modes, both dendrite- and axon-selective transport. Both KIF13s are maintained at the trans-Golgi network by interactions with the heterotetrameric adaptor protein complex AP-1. Interference with KIF13 binding to AP-1 resulted in disruptions to both dendrite- and axon- selective trafficking. We conclude that AP-1 is the molecular link between the sorting of polarized cargoes into vesicles and the recruitment of kinesins that confer polarized transport.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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