Rigorous anterograde trans-monosynaptic tracing of genetic defined neurons with retargeted HSV1 H129


Su PengORCID,Ying Min,Xia Jinjin,Li Yingli,Wu Yang,Wang Huadong,Xu Fuqiang


AbstractNeuroanatomical tracing technology is fundamental for unraveling the complex network of brain connectome. Tracing tools that could spread between neurons are urgently needed, especially the rigorous trans-monosynaptic anterograde tracer is still lacking. HSV1 strain H129 was proved to be an anterograde tracer and has been used to trace neuronal networks in several reports. However, H129 has a serious defect that it was demonstrated to infect neurons via axon terminals. Thus, when using H129 to dissect output neural circuit, its terminal take up capacity should be carefully considered. Here, we report a recombinant H129 that carrying the anti-Her2 scFv in glycoprotein D to target genetically defined neurons. With the usage of helper virus complementarily expressing Her2 and gD, we can realize the elucidation of direct projection regions of either a given brain nucleus or a specific neuron type. The retargeted H129 system complements the current neural circuit tracer arsenal, which provides a rigorous and practical anterograde trans-monosynaptic tool.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

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