Dissection of yeast pleiotropic drug resistance regulation reveals links between cell cycle regulation and control of drug pump expression


Li Jian,Kolberg Kristen,Schlecht Ulrich,St.Onge Robert P.,Aparicio Ana Maria,Horecka Joe,Davis Ronald W.,Hillenmeyer Maureen E.,Harvey Colin J.B.


SummaryEukaryotes utilize a highly-conserved set of drug efflux transporters to confer pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR). Despite decades of effort interrogating this process, multiple aspects of the PDR process, in particular PDR regulation, remain mysterious. In order to interrogate the regulation of this critical process, we have developed a small-molecule responsive biosensor that couples PDR transcriptional induction to growth rate in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We applied this system to genome-wide screens for potential PDR regulators using the homozygous diploid deletion collection. These screens identified and characterized a series of genes with significant but previously uncharacterized roles in the modulation of the yeast PDR in addition to recapitulating previously-known factors involved in PDR regulation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that disruptions of the mitotic spindle checkpoint assembly lead to elevated PDR response in response to exposure to certain compounds. These results not only establish our biosensor system as a viable tool to investigate PDR in high-throughput, but also uncovers novel control mechanisms governing PDR response and a previously uncharacterized link between this process and cell cycle regulation.SignificancePleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) is a conserved mechanism by which cells utilize membrane bound pumps to transport chemicals out of the cell. Here, we develop a growth-based biosensor system in yeast that enables high-throughput identification of factors that transcriptionally regulate PDR. Among the novel PDR regulators identified here, we show that spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) proteins, which are important for cell cycle regulation, inhibit hyperactivation of PDR upon drug treatment. This result provides insights into PDR regulation, as well as potential targets for therapeutic intervention, particularly in chemoresistant cancers where the cell cycle regulation is often disrupted.


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory








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